Course Details

All of our courses are practical and progressive in nature and aimed at 15-18 year olds who may be struggling with their academic studies, have low attendance levels or are unemployed. Group sizes range from one to four students who will have exclusive use of our premises during their time with us. Each course is designed to engage and involve young people in activities around bicycle, motor vehicle repair, maintenance and road safety. Courses are delivered in safe, spacious and professionally equipped workshops.

Our introductory Karts course or Bicycle repair and maintenance course is a compulsory starting point for engagement on to the rest of our courses.  To secure your place click here

click here to look at our flow chart which shows the progression route of our programmes delivered over six academic terms

Please click on the links below for full details of all our courses and see photographs of our students in action here

Course costs per group per half day per term – £1,700
Maximum size of group = 4 students
You pay the same price (£1,700) if you refer 1, 2, 3 or 4 students
Your students have exclusive use of our work shop with staff to student ratio of 1:2

2 supervisors in attendance
(these costs only represent 25% of our overall costs,
the balance of which is raised through our fundraising efforts)

Making a referral – please contact David Glossop either by email at or telephone 07976 953765.  After which please complete and return our pre-joining forms below:-
Organisation Evidence of Need
Student Evidence of Need
Student Risk Assessment

Wheels End of term assessments – we provide student performance reports to referrers at the end of Terms 2, 4 and 6 End of Term Report
Referrers leaving report – we ask that referrers complete and return our student leaving form immediately after they leave us so that we can measure any transformations which may have taken place outside of Wheels during their time with us.